The first bird ringing in 2024
In the project, the University of Debrecen conducts continuous surveys of shorebird populations and the monitoring of their nests. Nesting success studies provide important information both on habitat quality and the impact of habitat management implemented in the project. This year, we monitored a total of 169 nests of four species (Northern Lapwing, Pied Avocet, […]
Information boards
We have installed information boards to demonstrate the project activities and the natural values of the area. One of the four boards is located in the courtyard of the busy Pilgrims’ House in Harta, where locals and visitors from further afield can learn about our activities. The other three have been installed on the edge […]
Insect hotels on the grassland
Last year we continued the installation of artificial habitats for arthropods. We have installed newly designed, innovative insect hotels at 21 sites across the project area. Due to their design, the insect hotels primarily provide habitat for feeding, hiding, breeding and overwintering for arthropods living on or near the ground surface.
The project in Bologna
We presented the project at the 7th European Congress of Conservation Biology in Bologna, Italy in June. We presented two posters, one of which promoted the objectives and the activities in the project, while the other was about insect-friendly grazing. The two posters drew considerable interest, and we established several promising professional contacts with international […]
Article in VM MAGAZINE
Our article about the natural values of Miklapuszta has been published in the magazine “Varázslatos Magyarország”!
First public forums
We held two public forums in Akasztó and Harta. The participants could learn about the natural values of Miklapuszta, the objectives and the activities of the project. We would like to thank everyone for their participation!
Pied Avocet
One of the ornithological values of the area is the Pied Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta), which has a population of 10-20 pairs in Miklapuszta. Its abundance is mainly influenced by the water level of the alkali lakes. It uses its characteristic upcurved beak to scythe in the shallow water, collecting crustaceans and other aquatic invertebrates. It […]
The first insect-habitats are put in place
Every year, we have started to introduce artificial habitats to increase the species and number of arthropod communities. We have placed pesticide-free cattle pens at 20 sites in the project area, which will provide feeding and breeding habitat for flies, gall midges and dung beetles.
Small-flowered asparagus
Every summer survey of the small-flowered asparagus (Cirsium brachycephalum) was completed, visiting previously known habitats of the species at a total of 8 sites. Based on the results of the survey, the population of the Miklapuszta is estimated to be at least 15 000 hectares. The small-flowered asparagus is a biennial plant, developing only an […]
Exhibition in Hódmezővásárhely
We have participated in the Alföld Animal Husbandry Days in Hódmezővásárhely, southern Hungary, where visitors could find us at two stands. In three days, we have consulted with numerous livestock farmers and promoted insect-friendly and bird-friendly grazing among them. More than one hundred farmers have filled out our questionnaire at the event. If you are […]